Reed Birney and Kieron Moore will star in “Blue Film,” a provocative indie about a fetish camboy who agrees to spend the night with an anonymous client, only to discover...
“Swept Away,” a musical that mixed together a shipwreck, cannibalism and the music of the Avett Brothers, hoped to defy conventional wisdom about what constitutes a Broadway hit. Instead it announced...
Walt Disney Animation’s “Moana 2” continued on its record-shattering path, earning a massive $28 million on Thanksgiving, while lifting the fortunes of a movie business that hasn’t had much to celebrate...
The movie business hasn’t had much to be thankful for in recent years, but that’s changing this holiday week as a trio of splashy new releases are bringing audiences back to...
Barry Keoghan may soon be rocking a mop top, at least if Ringo Starr is to be believed. The legendary drummer confirmed to “Entertainment Tonight” that the “Saltburn”...
Bleecker Street has acquired U.S. rights to “Relay” following the twisty thriller’s debut at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. The film was directed by David MacKenzie, who oversaw...
Fusion Entertainment has signed veteran documentary filmmaker Katy Chevigny for management on the heels of the world premiere of her first narrative feature, “The Easy Kind,” at the Telluride Film...
Judith Light doesn’t have any answers about what happens to us when we die (who does?), but she hopes that “Before,” a spooky new thriller in which she plays a ghost,...