Ricardo Curtis and Rodrigo Perez-Castro’s CG-animated family feature “Night of the Zoopocalypse” is making its market premiere at this year’s AFM, co-represented globally by Anton and Charades. Viva Pictures handles distribution...
Spanish sales company Film Factory Entertainment has picked up the rights to director Manuel Rios San Martín’s “The Cavern Crimes” and is pitching the feature to potential buyers at this...
Firebook Entertainment has acquired worldwide sales rights (excluding Spanish-speaking countries) to Sideral’s buzzy horror feature “In the Flesh” from debut director Ainhoa Menéndez Goyoaga. The two companies will be...
Oscar-nominated “I Lost My Body” director Jérémy Clapin’s science fiction drama “Meanwhile on Earth,” his live-action debut, will hit theaters in the U.S. Nov. 8, distributed by Metrograph Pictures. The film...
French indie animation powerhouse TeamTO, which announced insolvency in September, has accepted an acquisition bid from Milan-based Riva Studios, which is subject to approval from the Tribunal Commerce de Paris. A...
Greenpeace will use humor to change the way people discuss climate change with its new animated series, “.” An animated comedy aimed at Gen Z but meant to be enjoyed by...
Leading anime and manga distributor Viz Media is bringing all four episodes of the highly anticipated miniseries adaptation “Uzumaki: Animated TV Series” – originally titled “Uzumaki” on Cartoon Network’s Toonami –...
Rakuten TV, a leader in European streaming and FAST channels, will unveil its new business line, Rakuten TV Enterprise Services, from Mipcom today. Enterprise Services will offer content owners and distributors...