The Economist


Deutschland AG continues to pour billions into China

THE IDEA of “political change through trade” has lost its appeal across much of the West as China has grown more, not less, authoritarian under President Xi Jinping. That has not stopped...

The science of networking

SUCCESS IN MANUFACTURING depends on physical things: creating the best product using the best equipment with components assembled in the most efficient way. Success in the service economy is dependent on the...

NYSE boots out Chinese telecoms firms—then it doesn’t, then does

THE TIES that bind the world’s two biggest economies are unravelling, in fits and starts. The latest episode involved fits, starts and chaos. On December 31st the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)...

The podcasting battle to be the Netflix of audio

ABOVE THE din of chat-shows, dramas and documentaries streamed to blaring voice-activated speakers, a louder sound can be heard: ker-ching. On December 29th Spotify, an audio-streaming service, aired the first in a...

How to deal with leftover leave

THE YEAR 2020 put worker morale to the test. It did not help that many employees were unable to enjoy a normal holiday, or had to change their plans. For Bartleby, two...

The next big thing in retail comes with Chinese characteristics

ALMOST EVERYONE in China knows “Austin” Li Jiaqi. The 28-year-old “Lipstick Brother”, started out flogging make-up products in Nanchang, a provincial city, and now sells them to millions by live-streaming on Taobao,...

Why American telecoms firms are splurging on 5G spectrum

IT MAY BE the most hyped technology since blockchain. But even sophisticated telecoms giants are now placing huge bets on 5G. In early December American regulators started the process of auctioning off...

Chinese trustbusters’ pursuit of Alibaba is only the start

“ACTING ON INFORMATION, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation has started investigation Alibaba Group for alleged monopoly conduct including implementing an ‘exclusive dealing agreement’.” This brief note, posted by Xinhua,...

The Economist
