Drew Gooden tells fans to put Bulls jerseys in toilet

Michael Katz, USA TODAY Sports

6:33PM EST November 26. 2012 – The Bucks are playing the Bulls on Monday night, and Milwaukee forward Drew Gooden had a really good idea. It involved Chicago jerseys, and toilets and … well, I’ll let him explain.

@DrewGooden[1]: First person that can twit pic me a Chicago Bulls jersey in the toilet will get my tickets for tonight’s game

Of course! So the gauntlet had been set, but would anyone answer the call? Again, this is the Internet so the answer is of course.

Now we’re here, together, looking at three fans who just put Bulls jerseys in the toilet for a chance at free tickets to an NBA basketball game. Here we go!

1. This guy!


Here is a Bulls jersey, in a toilet. Social media is weird.(Photo: @poneill5, Twitter)

2. This guy!


Sad fate for this Kirk Hinrich jersey.(Photo: @Kruppsanity35, Twitter)

3. This guy!


This looks like a cheap jersey. Good choice.(Photo: @brettninmann, Twitter)

Considering tickets are available on StubHub for as little as $4.50 for the game, this feels like a bit much. But it was never about the money, was it? It was about being a loyal fan, connecting with your favorite athletes … and the opportunity to stick a jersey in the toilet.

This is what it means to be a sports fan in 2012.

Update: Drew Gooden is a man of his word.[2]

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