Who Was Cynthia Plaster Caster, Who Inspired Miley Cyrus’ Character in Ethan Coen’s ‘Drive Away Dolls’?

SPOILER ALERT: This article continues spoilers for the film “Drive-Away Dolls.”

In Ethan Coen‘s “Drive-Away Dolls,” an homage to the colorful, brash world of exploitation cinema, there’s a notable cameo from none other than Miley Cyrus. Cyrus appears in a psychedelic swirl of flashbacks as Tiffany Plastercaster, seen titillating a college-aged version of Matt Damon’s character, who will come to be a conservative Senator in Florida. Plastercaster does as her name implies, crafting a replica dildo for the aspiring politician’s stimulated member.

It may sound far-fetched, but Cyrus’ cameo is inspired by Cynthia Plaster Caster — real name Cynthia Albritton — the artist and groupie who famously cast

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