Kelsea Ballerini on Hosting the CMT Music Awards One Final Time, and Balancing ‘Goofy’ and Serious Sides: ‘Two Things Can Live in the Same Space’

Kelsea Ballerini has been the hostess with the mostest, as far as the CMT Music Awards, but it will soon be time to slap an “emeritus” on that. She hosts the awards show, now seen on CBS, tonight for a fourth and last time. Ballerini is revealing she will be relinquishing the role after handling emcee duties since 2021; Kane Brown was her partner in co-hosting previous telecasts, leading up to her solo reign over the ceremony this time.

Sitting in her dressing room backstage at Austin’s Moody Center the day before the telecast, she was anything but moody in discussing why she’s enjoyed the CMTs ride so far,

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