CBS’ “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” and Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” are set to travel to Chicago for a week of shows during the Democratic National Convention next...
For the first time at the Emmy Awards, married actors and “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” co-stars Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney are both nominees at the same time. Three-time nominee...
From a budgetary perspective alone, Bill Lawrence — the writer behind “Scrubs,” “Ted Lasso,” “Cougar Town” and “Shrinking” — shouldn’t have shot his new Apple TV+ series “Bad Monkey” in Florida....
A+E Networks underwent a round of staff cuts on Tuesday, with every division of the company — including programming, marketing and and public relations at outlets including Lifetime, A&E and...
As “The Simpsons” prepares to launch its Season 36 this fall on Fox, that won’t be the only place to catch new episodes of the long-running animated series. The executive producers...
Some actors are so good they can consistently draw attention without even trying. But Carol Burnett might be the only living legend who can literally steal scenes in her sleep. The...
During his iconic career at CBS News, Dan Rather was on the ground in Dallas moments after President Kennedy is assassinated; covered the Civil Rights moment and the Vietnam War; and...
It’s a Tuesday morning in late July, and at a gigantic warehouse-turned-production facility in L.A.’s Canoga Park, Kevin Hart and Kenan Thompson are in one studio riffing on the Summer Olympics....