Sean Hollister


Tim Sweeney on Epic’s victory royale over Google

Epic won. What does the lawsuit’s architect think?By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent 15 years editing the...

Activision Blizzard had a plan — or ploy — to launch its own Android game store

/ Court documents show the gaming giant wanted more from mobile.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent...

A hefty stable Steam Deck update gives the Dock a brand-new feature

/ VRR for the official Dock — and voltage offset, and Starfield performance, display color adjustment, and more.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who...

Google’s CEO is about to drop into the Fortnite trial

/ Sundar Pichai will argue that Google’s payment rules are a sign of a competitive business — not a monopoly.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The...

What is Google trying to hide in its deal with Spotify?

/ Epic v. Google day three began with intrigue. By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent 15...

The Epic v. Google trial may come down to simple v. complicated

In opening statements, Google tried to outline the goals of its Android business. Epic focused on painting the tech giant as a bully.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member...

Epic v. Google, explained

Everything you need to know about the big app store trial kicking off November 6th.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and...

You can now build your own awesome Game Boy Mini Camera

/ Modder and Game Boy photographer Christopher Graves is selling files and boards for the oh-so-clean adaptation.By Sean Hollister, a senior editor and founding member of The Verge who covers...

Sean Hollister
